Florida Restricted Barber Practice Exam 2024 - Free Barber License Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Under what conditions are you required to wash hands and use disinfectant?

After every haircut

When a client has inflamed skin or pus

It is important to always wash your hands and use disinfectant when working with clients who have inflamed skin or pus. This is because these conditions can often indicate the presence of bacteria, which can easily be spread to other clients or yourself if proper hygiene measures are not taken. Washing your hands and using disinfectant at the start of the day or only when visibly dirty is not sufficient in preventing the spread of germs and maintaining a safe and clean environment for all clients. Similarly, after every haircut may not always be necessary as not all hair services involve direct contact with potential bacteria. The key here is to always prioritize the safety and wellbeing of yourself and your clients by practicing proper hygiene measures in all situations.

Only at the start of the day

Only when visibly dirty


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